Powering positive airport experiences

airportCX is a customer experience-focused service built to help you fully harness the difference that stellar customer service can make at your airport. The industry data is clear: customer satisfaction is a strong driver of revenue growth.

airportCX is a customer experience-focused service built to help you fully harness the difference that stellar customer service can make at your airport. The industry data is clear: customer satisfaction is a strong driver of revenue growth. From increased loyalty and customer retention to creating brand advocates and growing revenue, airportCX has been created from the ground up by the Modalis team of industry veterans to drive results—not only for your customers, but also for your airport organization!!!


Managing Partners


Project Managers


Industry Experts


Languages Spoken


Resident Countries

Our Project Managers and Industry Experts speak more than 20 languages and they are resident in over 30 countries spanning six continents around the globe. Collectively, we provide strategic leadership, project management and industry expertise for the full life-cycle of transport infrastructure investment and operations.

Understanding the airportCX approach

airportCX offers a full-spectrum program developed to align organizational objectives, identify, and fill gaps with proven strategies and processes, measure success and course correct as needed. But every airport is different, which is why airportCX is fully customizable and has been designed to nimbly adapt to your unique set of requirements.


World-leading expertise to deliver unique world-class airport experiences


A holistic approach in guiding you in achieving customer experience excellence


With you at your desired step, whether your airport is at the start of CX management journey or have a matured process for CX management


With your goals, plans and objectives and are agile enough to maneuver as your needs change and evolve


A simple diagnostic of your current status, provide feasible recommendations, and guidance on how to prioritize

Reach out to us for more information. We'd love to hear from you ...

What our clients have to say

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